Thursday, August 30, 2012


1. david barclay


Barclay focuses on household woodworking, but not original. His stuff is abstract, but not so much that it can't function as an item. His jewelry boxes are so unique!

Barclay attended the Rochester Institute of Technology and the Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester. Worked for Eastman Kodak for 27 years before venturing out on his own to perfect his hobby into a business.

2. david delthony

Delthony carves organic furniture from wood. His curves are amazing. Similarly to Barclay, his work is abstract but also functional. He was born and raised in Baldwin, NY but has worked around the world as a furniture artist.

3. John Christenson 


Christenson uses something as simples as letters to create beautiful pieces of art. They connect like puzzle pieces. I love this idea.

He attended the University of Illinois and earned B.F.A.'s in graphic design and industrial design. These words are called Nuzzles and they are custom designed name puzzles each crafted from a single block of wood.

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